Frequently Asked Questions

In this section i will try to explain how the app works and share some

personal info by answering some questions that no one asked.

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You can contact me for anything related to the app. If you prefer social media , you can send me a message at Twitter or Reddit. If you want a new feature, want to report a bug or event want to contribute in some way, feel free to open an issue at Github!
If you liked this app and want to see more frequent updates/features, please share the app to your friends or at social media. If you have the money to spare, you can also consider making a donation.
Why did you create this app?
My inspiration to create this app was a streamer's realization (i believe it was Trump) about a Malygos miracle rogue deck. That deck got popular and was the best deck after 1 year of the game's release. All good until now. The weird thing is that the deck had cards that were available from day 1. So, no one had though to put this deck together for over a year.
Lol, and this app will help us discover "hidden" meta decks?
No, probably not. It will suggest you a non competitive deck that makes sense and has some decent synergy. The main benefit for you is that you'll be forced to play and learn some cards you don't usually have the chance to play with. You can also use it to have fun at low ranks, play unusual decks with your friends or complete a specific quest. Don't forget that nowadays you can share your decks with your friends. So you can create a bunch of decks here and give them to your friends.
How does this app work?
The algorithm selects a card as a starting point and then adds cards that work well with the starting card. Then does the same thing for each of the added cards. Think of it as a tree. If the added cards don't have any requirements (i call them priorities) the algorithm selects a different card with priorities and then repeats the process. At some point the app tries to figure out what type of deck (archetype) we have so far in order to add some critical cards for that archetype. If the deck is still not complete, we add completely random good cards until is full. Also note that we always try to select the best card available to make the deck as competitive as possible. Hearthstone can be really frustrating when you lose.
The generated decks have legendaries i don't own, they are too expensive.
I could let you import your collection and only choose cards you own. But in this case the algorithm will struggle to find synergies and you'll end up with completely random cards. I think the best solution is to choose a more aggressive archetype because they are cheap or choose a bunch of cards you own in the filters. Anyway, if you would like that feature leave me a message.
What's your battletag?
You can add me at foobar#21251.
How long do you play Hearthstone?
I started playing 1 month before the open beta.
How good are you in Hearthstone?
I've hit legend 6 times but i have never climbed above top 500.
Who are you in real life?
My name is Markos Konstantopoulos and i am a web developer.
Where are you from?
I am from Greece.
Why do you think we care who you are?